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Crab Hotpot (Hard-Cover)

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Crab Hotpot

CRAB HOTPOT might appear to be a fictional story, but it is all based on situations that actually happened at Mekong Capital. I wrote the story in mid-2020 when one of those situations had arisen - I wanted to put our team's attention on what wasn't working, and what would work. Each crab is based on a real person who is a current or former employee of Mekong Capital. And many people, including me, can see different aspects of ourselves in the various crabs.

- Chris Freund

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Gấu anh – Gấu em – Tập 4 – Quả thông đâu rồi nhỉ?

Mã Kim Đồng:
  • ISBN: 978-604-2-31098-7 
  • Tác giả: Trần Huy
                  A Đông
  • Đối tượng: Nhà trẻ – mẫu giáo (0 – 6)
  • Khuôn Khổ: 19×20.5 cm
  • Số trang: 28
  • Định dạng: bìa mềm
  • Trọng lượng: 105 gram
  • Bộ sách: Gấu anh – Gấu em
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